The challenge with business and human rights is how to turn the theory into practice. At Simon K Wake & Associates we fully support the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), and believe that understanding the potential impacts to rights-holders is critically important. However, of some concern is the ever increasing demand for detailed and onerous codification of every aspect of the UNGPs. This has the potential to move implementation of the UNGPs within companies away from mainstream management and into a specialist organisational "silo". And in any case, the UNGPs clearly state that companies should manage potential human rights risk exposures in the same way as they would manage all other types of risk. For example, grievance management. There is no question that in the worst situations, judicial processes and redress are required. Fortunately, however, catastrophes of this scale are relatively infrequent. Most of the day-to-day interactions between companies and communities are things that while still important, do not warrant this level of response. Such day-to-day matters require simple, quick and effective resolution. Furthermore, there is little or no discussion about how to prevent significant or day-to-day incidents occurring. Preventing incidents occurring is why we believe Systems and Capability are so important.
We have significant experience in the practical implementation of human rights compliant procedures, including in remote and difficult operating contexts, and with exploration and pre-operations evaluation projects. We can also provide accessible, meaningful training on business and human rights that is tailored to be relevant for site-based practitioners, site security, and for leadership / corporate. Training can be provided for general awareness or on a specific topic.