There are many good reasons for having effective management systems and processes, but primarily such systems are fundamental to building good relationships with communities. Systems enable a company to be reliable, predictable and in short, to actualy do what it says it will do.
Perhaps it is fair to say that community relations practitioners have been tardy in realising the benefits of having good systems and procedures. Systems in the community relations area need to be appropriately designed and rigorously implemented. All too often the reverse occurs: the design is rigorous and the implementation is poor - this is a waste of resources.
Simon K Wake & Associates can develop and implement all core management processes such as: policies, procedures, audit / assurance, risk analysis, stakeholder analysis and engagement, social investment, land access protocols, incident and complaint investigation and resolution, targets, metrics, and, internal and external reporting.
We believe that social licence requirements should be 'mainstreamed' within the company as much as possible. Our previous experience has been in the integration of communities and social performance requirements into an enterprise-wide HSE Management System. Such integration can be useful for a number of reasons and we can advise on the systems design and implementation in these instances.